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All of Axess wallets have an RFID blocking pocket where special material will protect your sensitive cards (similar to physically wrapping your credit cards in tin foil). This is to prevent your sensitive credit card information from being subjected to “electronic pickpocketing” or other methods of wirelessly accessing your credit card info or personal information. The RFID-blocking material used by Axess is a multi-layered RFID-protection foil that has successfully gone through third-party testing and verification.
RFID, which stands for radio-frequency identification, is a technology that lets a chip in a card use radio waves to communicate over a short distance to allow shoppers make charges by passing a card in front of a terminal. As of 2008, in the US alone there were at least 270 million of these cards in circulation issued by Mastercard, VISA, American Express and Discover, among others. Within a few years this technology will replace all major credit cards.
Each wallet from Axess Front Wallets come with a designated pocket that is shielded with a multi layered RFID-protection foil that guards your sensitive information from unwelcome intruders.
Types of card using RFID-chips:
RFID technology, despite being convenient is vulnerable to Wireless identity theft or “Electronic Pickpocketing” where credit and debit card data can be stolen via special low cost radio scanners without the cards being physically touched or removed from their owner's pocket, purse or carry bag.
To prevent your sensitive credit card information from being skimmed in this manner, all Axess wallets have an RFID blocking pocket where special material will protect your sensitive cards.
RFID-technology in your ID and credit cards is a convenient technology, however it is vulnerable to sophisticated scammers accessing your sensitive information wirelessly. Thus, every single Axess model is created with an RFID-blocking pocket.
Axess Front Wallets were created to provide a premium alternative for those who wish to carry their wallet seamlessly in their front pocket. The advantages being a more comfortable wallet experience that doesn’t crush your credit cards and helps you avoid pick pockets. However, with simple scanning equipment, there’s a more sophisticated electronic pickpocket out there, that is equally, if not more scary than the regular ones. That is why
Quick link: RFID-blocking wallets
The shielding foil in Axess Front Wallets has gone through successful testing by the Accredited German Test Laboratory SGS-TÜV Saarland Forster GmbH in Perl, Germany. The shielding foil was tested on a wide variety of transmitters, magnetic loops, amplifiers, test receivers and double ridged horn antennas on different frequencies ranging from 0,125 MHZ to 900 MHZ. The shielding foil successfully repelled all electromagnetic waves without exceptions. Thus you can keep your sensitive cards in Axess Front Wallets and never again have to worry about anyone hacking your credit- or ID-cards ever again.
The RFID-blocking material used by Axess is a multi-layered RFID-protection foil that has successfully gone through third-party testing and verification. Above are pictures from the lab test of the shielding material used in Axess Front Wallets.
“So many wallets these days claim to be RFID-blocking but few really are”.
All of Axess wallets have an RFID blocking pocket where special material will protect your sensitive cards (similar to physically wrapping your credit cards in tin foil). This is to prevent your sensitive credit card information from being subjected to “electronic pickpocketing” or other methods of wirelessly accessing your credit card info or personal information.
Axess Wallets are partially blocking, meaning that only some designated pockets are RFID-blocking, so that you can still scan your subway or access card, while having you sensitive ID- and Credit-cards blocked in the RFID-blocking pockets. Since you use your cards differently, and don't need to protect your say subway card or work access card in the same way you would protect your ID-card or credit card, Axess is designed to adapt to your different cards and how you use them. The designated pocket is RFID-blocking, while outer pockets are left without blocking material so you don't have to remove you commuter/access card from the wallet each time you use it.
"Being able to have your credit cards protected whilst still having the convenience of using a transport or work pass card inside the wallet will appeal to many". - Slimwalletjunkie
All of Axess models have one big card pocket which is RFID-blocking (some models have two such pockets). Note that the other pockets are not blocked, so that you can still commute and use access cards.
If you find the above arrows confusing, you needn’t worry; all of Axess Front Wallets come with a physical marker – a card in the pocket that is RFID-blocking.
If anyone is questioning if you really need an RFID-blocking wallet: Here is the story from Jeff Petroski, an Axess Front Wallet customer and a member of the US Navy who was subjected to electronic skimming twice! Now Jeff keeps all his sensitive cards in the RFID-blocking pocket in his Axess Wallet and has not had a problem since. Here is Jeff’s story:
“Someone tried to open a bank account.. - In my name!”
“I had my identity stolen, it was very scary. It actually happened twice. The first time someone stole a couple of hundred dollars, but it wasn’t the money that bothered me the most, but the principle of it. I was soooo mad! It was the worst feeling in the world. Then, another guy tried to open a bank account. in my name! Luckily we averted it in the last second.
So many people have no idea what RFID is or how it works, and meanwhile, the bad guys are taking advantage! You hear about someone - or a company, being hacked every day. It’s pretty bad when someone can stand right behind you and steal your identity in half of a second with an incredibly small device. I saw it work, it’s scary.
So many wallets these days claim to be RFID-blocking but few really are, I’ve tried quite a few by now. That’s why I’m so thrilled to be using Axess Front Wallets with its RFID-blocking capabilities - it really works! Thanks to Axess, I don’t have to worry anymore about someone stealing my credit card information or hacking my identity”.
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